Instructional Design Models (IDMs), nursing, course development, faculty, learner
Effective instructional design is essential for efficient teaching and learning outcomes in all disciplines, particularly in the nursing content-laden curriculum. Instructional design model steps and processes enable faculty to determine the scope of the course contents, sequence of instructions, innovative presentation, and evaluation strategies. The generic instructional model of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation (ADDIE) underlies every instructional design process. This paper compares and contrasts the characteristic features, processes, and steps involved in the design of the Dick and Carey instructional design model with the Morrison, Ross and Kemp model using the underlying framework of ADDIE. Each model, with varying degrees of ease of use, employs a nine-step system and procedural processes to provide strategies for creating course instructions. Learner perspective is the focus of each model and the models both have an appeal to course design and specific learning activities within a course. While the Dick and Carey model requires the use of all the components in order to create an instruction, the Morrison, Ross and Kemp model, with its independent or simultaneous use of the elements in any order, and the knowledge that there are cases where not all the nine elements are applied, make the model more flexible and easier to use. Integration of the elements of the Morrison, Ross and Kemp model into the blood transfusion learning activity for
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