Innovation Creativity HRM Research Incentive System Prizes
The main thrust of this research is to engage in a purely literature review to strategically analyse innovation best practice and highlight gaps and areas for further improvement in Oman and beyond. The main reasons giving rise to this research are the desire to illuminate world innovation best practice which Oman firms, government departments and academia can then use to advantage and benefit the country. This research is based on literature review only, analysis and identification of gaps in literature and knowledge. Research using literature review has the advantage of harvesting latest researches being done globally and then making them available to local institutions at least cost. The limitation is that no primary research was done and deep seated cultural and firm level issues may remain untapped. Literature summary clearly shows that innovation success and competitiveness requires good educational standards, funding, promotion, R & D, good reward and incentive schemes for researchers, sophistication, trust, strategic alliances and private and public partnerships. Oman firms/institutions can use these findings firm by firm as well as across support national institutions to see whether best practice is there, and if not the effects on business, academia and solutions thereof. Researchers believe these findings will help enhance and improve innovation practices in Oman and contribute to development. Colleges and universities can disseminate this new knowledge. Firms can
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