Leadership Competence Development Higher education Programs
Many scholars in academia agree with the proposition that education can act as a platform for competence development. With the passing of time, societies evolve and existing skills may no longer serve the needs of the newly transformed society. This study examines the extent to which higher education assists in the development of leadership competencies and the effects of higher education on leadership competencies from the student's perspective. The paper considers whether and to what degree, modern university business curricula assist in developing leadership competencies.
A critical literature review and an empirical study are applied Data collected through the application of the 3M's Leadership Competency Model developed by Alldredge and Milan (2000).The study critically analyses literature research findings which have shown that a major challenge facing higher institutions of learning in the world is failure in shifting teaching and assessment methods from lecture-based to competence-development.
The study shows that there is a strong correlation between higher education and competence development, value is added when universities ensure that their teaching methods and assessments greatly improve the competencies of students, which are seen to be important in achieving organizational goals. Undoubtedly. It suggests that progressive innovation in teaching methodologies is essential parts of leadership competence development which is in line with the novelty that rise in education correspond with rise in productivity
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