UTL Training program Active learning Saudi Arabia University Teaching Learning, teaching staff
This study aimed at presenting the University Teaching and Learning training program UTL and determining the efficiency of the UTL on developing the teaching competencies of the teaching staff at Al Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University in Saudi Arabia. The study subjects were (30) female university instructors from AL Imam University. A training group of university instructors was studied at the beginning of their training and one year later. Evidence is reported of changes over time relating to the teaching competencies performance scale improved by the researchers focusing on six competencies; Lecture Planning, Lecture Orientation, Teaching the Lecture, Asking Questions, Course Materials, and Classroom Management. The current study reports evidence of a range of positive changes in instructors' teaching competencies in the training group. The results revealed that there were statistically significant differences between the performance of the training group before and after training on the pre and post-observation scale, favoring to the post –observation in improving the teaching competencies. The study recommends adopting the UTL training program used in this study to develop the teaching competencies of instructors in Saudi Universities. It also recommends organizing the content of the university text books to cope with the creative learning forms.
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