Learning Caring Teaching, Assessments Student Academic Behaviour and Achievement Academic Leadership
Although several academic studies have explored international students’ academic issues in the host country, most explored either academic achievement or improving learning, teaching and assessment practices in isolation, not in concert. This study triangulates students’ academic issues, learning, teaching and assessment practices used by their lecturers, and the service provision at the host institution in tandem. Specifically, we investigated the factors affecting the academic performance of first-and second-year international students studying at a private higher education provider in London, UK. To establish the extent of Low Academic Achievement (LAA), briefly, where students do not meet the learning outcomes in any summative assessment, examination board data were examined. Two student focus groups were established, and eleven lecturers involved in teaching international students were interviewed. Data were analysed using Nvivo8. The results revealed that international students experience language, socio-cultural and financial difficulties, and they must adapt to a new educational environment and find it difficult to adjust to the teaching style of their host country. Nonetheless, learning approaches of the students can be mobilised, developed and utilised in a constructive environment. Student-centred approached are preferred by the students in the classroom and use of alternative assessments was recommended by the lecturers, especially in the transitionary phase
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