TBLT, English vocabulary teaching practice, interactive word games, input, output, word quizzes
To solve the problem of Chinese EFL students’ passive and ineffective vocabulary learning, task-based language teaching (TBLT) methods were introduced to university English classes. With TBLT, students interacted with each other by using English, especially English words learnt, in order to fulfill the task designed by teachers. Based on second language acquisition theories, students were able to understand input and produce output during this process. This paper focuses on using TBLT in English vocabulary teaching in some non-English major classes of a university, involving some word games used. The word games’ features, organization and a skill set built will be discussed. Also, students’ before-task and after-task word quizzes results will be compared. The research shows that using TBLT in English vocabulary teaching and learning is practical and can assist in students’ vocabulary acquisition.
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